As we wake up each day
We set out for our daily activities
Hoping to come back home with something tangible.
Unfortunately, many work without any result
and so, each day is more less like a new chapter for depression!
Conversely, some work and smile at the end of the day!
This make the self acclaimed unfortunate to feel they are unlucky!
Little did they not know that the path to fulfilment to everyone are not the same!
At time, you have to dig through!
You have to step on toes and be hated!
You have to be shaken and broken!
All these are not the determinant of fulfilment!
It's just a path you can't escape to fulfilment!
It's just the painful path!

Astonishingly, some people won't go through all these and still be fulfilled
They work as you do but with less stress
They face challenges also but conquer without being exhausted.
They are not religious as you neither do they have sacrificial heart like you.
Still, life seem pleasant to them !
Life smile at them without season!
And so their path to fulfilment is peaceful!
All these does not say they are better than you
neither does it say you chose the a wrong dream.
They are lucky to have a peaceful path to fulfilment!
Remember, the fact that someone has a peaceful path
doesn't mean their fulfilment can threaten your fulfilment
neither does it mean theirs will be smoother than yours at the end
just becauses yours is the painful path
The race is not for the swift!
Besides, God is not partial!

On either path,
One thing is necessary and important
It is driving force to fulfilment on any path you are!
On the painful path, your passion conform your mind to positivity!
On the peaceful path, passion unfold you to current comfort and focus you on outstanding comfort!
Passion keeps hope alive
Passion makes one to divorce weariness!
Passion leads to fulfilment!
The loss of passion on the journey to fulfilment is typically a stroll without destination!
Either on the peaceful or the painful path,
Your passion determines your level of fulfilment!
Peaceful or painful!!!


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