Everyday, we make moves to be relevant in the society.
Through smile and pain, insults and discouragement,
we forge ahead to make a living.
But sadly, most of all these efforts don't come through
Then, we begin to wonder how and where things got wronged
Then we shift blames and count on things that doesn't matter
The bitter truth is that we invite friendly destroyers
Not as we flesh but as our actions

Familiarity isn't a sin but we made it a woe!
We decide to spend when we don't have and by so doing, we get into debt
We try to please other when we ought to keep a straight face
We pretend to love someone we're cursing within
We forget to understand that we can not please  everybody not even anybody !

At times, distraction comes when we aim at something
and this makes us loose focus!
Familiarity enslaves one
Familiarity demote one
Familiarity dispose one
Familiarity blinds one
Familiarity deafen one
Familiarity makes opportunity seem deceit
Familiarity at times is nothing but pretence
Familiarity leads to heartbreak and disappointment!

Not to be twisted,
Familiarity is not evil, but we cheating and pretending made familiarity seem evil!
Been familiar with someone isn't a big deal when you apply knowledge!
But familiarity as we tagged it made us trade the knowledge needed to use at that moment for pretence!

Familiarity with knowledge and truth invites goodness but, the fact remains that we get obsessed with familiarity!

Familiarity brings in sentiment and sentiment in a relationship destroy not only the familiarity but the relationship!

Sentiment is triggered by emotions
But if we fail to control our emotions, we might also fail to control our thoughts and correct our actions!

Being sentimental is evil
Being sentimental is parasitic to our growth
Being sentimental brings injustice
Being sentimental brings shame
Being sentimental doesn't guarantee you a lasting favour!

Sentiment isn't a criteria of a "good man"

In conclusion, familiarity and sentiment are parasitic to one's growth.
Its been said that when you're on a journey, you don't throw stone at the birds you see.
These two acts are cubbed in by pretence and fear.
You can't achieve your goal in life if you treat people with familiarity and sentiment!


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