Hello guys,
I trust we all are having a great day.
 Without taking much of our time, I once heard an argument about God not having all, and I thought writing this article can shed more light into this topic.
Sit back and relax, lemme take you on a short journey..

As we humans, we know that the omnipotent God has everything in His hands and also whatever He does not release, no one can have it.
But still, there is still something I feel God doesn't have or do.
Wait, you don't have to be confused and don't misunderstand me.
Why don't you let me take you on a journey!

No one can boast of an idea of the mystery behind his existence.
No one can boast of capability not to make mistake
No one can dictate or predict what await him in next few seconds
Only the creator of the creation can
But i feel there's one thing God do not have!
Yes He has everything in His in hands!
But not wickedness

Yes, He created everything
Yes, He has everything in His hands
He created good and not bad!
What we acclaimed as the BAD He created is nothing other than what I call our BLIND INTEREST.

God created human and other heavenly creatures. But never forget that God gave us power to recreate.
Satan recreated himself from been a gold to been an ash
What do you expect?!
He destroyed his life and definitely wants to other people's life
Then wickedness set in!
The  confusion lies in been unable to profer the right answer for the following questions
Is KARMA wickedness?!
Is JUDGEMENT wickedness?!
Are PAINS and TRIBULATIONS wickedness?!

All these are instruments used by God not actually for evil but for a means of punishment, payback, correction or ways of learning (be it hard or soft)!
Wickedness is not involved in karma
It is actually a payback!

So your deed decides the kind of karma you are/will experience
We only tend to shy away from the truth
You can't sow a corn seed and reap a coconut!!
If you're getting karma in the hard way, then you are the evil.
Then you are wicked, not GOD!!!

Judgement shouldn't be something scary if you are sure of your good deeds!
Manipulation can only occur when the judgement is from man and not God!
The fact remains that man tends to deafening their ears and blind their eyes from justice.
A judgement by God will forever be fair!
So the 'wickedness' in a judgement is a result of your once upon a time wickedness!
So we can say judgement drives karma into action
Yea, judgement activate karma!

Pain/tribulations aren't anyone's favorite

But still at time, serve as a means of strengthening, building, learning and exposure!
Pains initiated by God aren't wickedness
It is either as a result as of the aforementioned, ignorance or wickedness by fellow human
The reason why the wickedness of human to his fellow are atimes  sanctioned by God is not because He is wicked but sometimes to avert greater evil or to glorify Himself.
If God is wicked as we claim, He wouldn't save us from these trials when when we call on Him!

Remember God is never to be blame in any situation
Also, He deserve your gratitude in all situation!
In conclusion, God isn't wicked neither does He take delight in it.
The first fallen angel recreated himself and pour the wickedness in human, but human never want it back in return.


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