As i sit by my windowAnd watch, seeing unimaginable things
Then, i begin to wonder if human is still
the same human God created.
There's no longer reasons for modesty
but instead craziness
Even those who still walk in the path of
modesty now begin to be overwhelmed
by the spirit of inferiority complex.
Fidelity got buried while infidelity was reincarnated
Isn't this madness
Is madness not becoming a norm!
Is this madness!

While walking around, seeing different events
I got lost into the world of deep thought
of how things will get better
how i will be able to impart and impact lives
Little did i not know that I was already soliloquizing
Just walking like am the only being on earth.
Then i suddenly realise myself
and i had to pinch myself
So, I begin to wonder like "Am i okay"
"Is this madness"
Pitiful enough, i've got no appreciable answer
All in the race of making it
But do i have to hurt myself before making it!
What is essence the wealth been spent on fulltime sickness.
I don't have to run mad
Got to take it easy
But still, i'll keep asking myself
Is this madness!

Hearing the bell of caution
And turning deaf hear
Seeing wonders of God
And still being sentimental about it
Hearing bad news everyday
And still not sit and think about your life
Seeing great and godly men misbehaving
And still it had no pinch on you
Is this not madness!

Enjoying God's grace and then
taking it for granted
Believing all you have acquired is all by your strength
and no one can take it away
Is this not madness!
Defiling the altar of the Lord
Violating the commandments of your Creator
Is this not madness
Isn't it
Let all this begin to beat in your heart
Madness at its peak

Only God can cure this madness
And if only we can run back to Him
And surrender all

                                                  OLAYINKA EMMANUEL


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