A dilapidated soul has nothing good to offer.
It sees beautiful has once upon a time
What comes upon a fascinating soul to become dilapidated
What makes a beautiful soul to become ugly
What fell on an admired personality to suddenly become pitied
Who cursed a blessed soul to become cursed
What befell on a conscious soul to suddenly become unconscious
What could make a contrite heart to suddenly become arrogant

I used to be a person of love and honor
Loved and referenced by all
Whose hobby is blessing lives.
Because i know that a blessed soul refresh his blessing by blessing others
I was so glad cos i see young generations following my steps
And i felt i was living a fulfilled life.

As time goes on, i suddenly got drunk with the good tides of life
not remembering there is always the good and the bad in all situations
And when life decided to show me what i wasn't expect
Yea, life showed me what i did not bargain for
Then, i became frustrated
And a beautiful soul became ugly
I could no longer see anything good in life
 my  admired soul became a pitied soul
Life wasn't  what i foresaw
I began to breed hatred and bitterness
within me
I could no longer see the good lest the better nor best in all
Even good opportunities seem like a trap to a more concrete situation

One afternoon under the scorching sun
I came across a beautiful building used as a warehouse
I admired it, like it should be mine
One day, a saddening news came that the warehouse got burnt
I felt bitter, but told myself "I've seen worse""
Day after day, month after month
I walked aimlessly towards that same street and discover
the burnt warehouse which had been dilapidated is having a new look.
Behold, the dilapidated warehouse had been renovated to become a magnificent palace.

Then, i stood and told myself
"A beautiful warehouse got burnt and was then renovated to become a magnificent palace
 The building was once envied and later got pitied but this ruin did not stop the building to become elevated"

The old beauty faded away just to allow a beauty with higher value "a gold"
But this didn't just come like that
The building suffered a setback
It suffering pain
It suffered stagnancy
But at the end it's dilapidated image became an admired image

In life, no matter what happen
Never let let the twist of life make you who you are not
Let all conditions continue to strengthen you
so that you will continue to give life to other soul
Never allow your soul to get dilapidated
For no reason!!!
A dilapidated soul is a failed soul!!



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